Electrician Costa Mesa Ca

Costa Mesa Electrician Air Conditioning Heating

Costa Mesa California do you need electrical, air conditioning and heating services? Electrician Air Conditioning Services stays true to our dedication in delivering top-notch results with Flat-Rate Pricing. Our trip charges are $99 for residential and $198 for commercial . A licensed and insured service company based in Orange County California that specializes in everything electrical, from lighting, to electrical panel upgrades, water heaters and air conditioning. Our team is composed of certified technicians.

Electrical Repair Costa Mesa

In Costa Mesa Ca, A customer called about some power outage through out their home, First place we checked was at the electrical panel to make sure that the issue was not coming from the source. While investigating we found nothing wrong with the electrical panel so we proceeded inside their home to look for the problem after investigating for about a good 30 min. we located the issue we found some burnt out receptacles and wire nuts. We repaired the issue and the customer lucked out were the damage was not to excessive beyond a minor repair. This happens a lot due to neglect from proper maintenance on their electrical system. If you are experiencing the same issue don’t hesitate to call us right away, we offer 24 hour service. Electrician Services is local, family owned and operated. All our expert electricians have been trained, have a license, and have been background checked. Safety is our primary concern and customer service is our top priority. We are the Electrician Costa Mesa Ca and provide electrical service you can trust.

Air Conditioning Install

OC Electrical Repair/OC Air Conditioning Repair/OC Heating Repair

More on Receptacles

If your Home was built after 1970, chances are the contractor who built your home used a new method for light switches and receptacles. This new method was called “stab-lock devices”. These devices have holes in the back of the receptacle or switch were the wiring stabs in the back, instead of using side screws to wrap the wiring around the screw, which is a better connection. Some Stab-lock devices will have both screws and holes, our electrician will use the correct connection when installing receptacles. When these new homes were initially wired, stab-lock devices made production time fast and efficient for electricians . Electricians would quickly strip the wire ends, stab them into the back of the device and install the plug into the box and quickly move to the next one. To be fast and quick was important back in the day and not safety. Unfortunately “Stab-Locks are still being used today. Stab-lock connections are the worst connections out there today and are a major cause of electrical hazards within the home. If a wire overheats and loosens from the Stab-lock connection every electrical device after that loose connection goes out. This could be lights, receptacles or similar devices. Our electrician will properly install all your receptacles by properly stripping the wire and wrapping the wire around the screw itself. Our electrician will also make sure your existing connections are still good and make sure that there will not be any future issues with your connections. We highly recommend to never use a Stab-lock device because of their reputation and well known issues from poor connections.

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