Fountain Valley Electrician Air Conditioning Heating
Fountain Valley California do you need electrical, air conditioning and heating service? Electrician Air Conditioning Services stays true to our dedication in delivering top-notch results with Flat-Rate Pricing. Our trip charges are $99 for residential and $198 for commercial. A licensed and insured service company based in Orange County California that specializes in everything electrical, from lighting, to electrical panel upgrades, water heaters and air conditioning. Our team is composed of certified technicians.
Fountain Valley Electrical Install
We recently had a customer call in Fountain Valley Ca that needed some Motion Sensor Lighting installed around the perimeter of their home due to some recent burglar activity in their neighborhood. We installed 3 Motion Sensor LED Lights and explained to them that LED lights are the best lights to install for this type of application. LED lights are energy savers and put out a bright light unlike CFL’s. We also explained to them that Motion Sensor Lighting can act as a deterrent against any unwanted guests that might be trying to enter their property. If you have experienced the same problem don’t hesitate to call us right away. Electrician Services is local, family owned and operated. All our expert electricians have been trained, have a license, and have been background checked. Safety is our primary concern and customer service is our top priority. We are the Electrician Fountain Valley Ca and provide electrical service you can trust.
More on Motion Sensor Lighting
Motion Sensor Lights are generally used outside around the perimeter of your home or even business securing the area with a bright light that is triggered by an inferred sensor. This sensor can detect movement in direction that the sensor has been placed. So any type of movement will turn the light on and after a while the light will shut off until any other movement happens with in the same area. The majority of Motion sensor lights also come with a photo cell so that the light only turns on at night when the sun goes down. These lights also have a timer so you are able to set how long you want the light to be on before it shuts off. The benefit of this type of lighting is that it can save you money by only turning on when there is movement. This also brings attention to the area that the light is shining upon which can bring you security. Typically the best areas to install these lights would be in any type of public walk way or path way. They also can be installed in a driveway so that when someone pulls into your driveway the light will shine upon them. The backyard and side yard is another place that these lights should be installed, dark areas around the perimeter of your business are also a good place to install these lights, any unwanted movement happening in the back of your home or business can be detected and can help expose any threat. Motioning Sensor Lighting is by far one of the best deterrents out there for any unwanted guests, although its not used as often as it should, it would be wise to remove a regular light fixtures around the perimeter of your home or business and replace it with a Motion Sensor Light.
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