Garden Grove Electrician Air Conditioning Heating
Garden Grove California do you need electrical, air conditioning and heating service? Electrician Air Conditioning Services stays true to our dedication in delivering top-notch results with Flat-Rate Pricing. Our trip charges are $99 for residential and $198 for commercial. A licensed and insured service company based in Orange County California that specializes in everything electrical, from lighting, to electrical panel upgrades, water heaters and air conditioning. Our team is composed of certified technicians.
Garden Grove Electrical Repair
We had a customer in Garden Grove Ca contact us about an issue they were having when the electric dryer and electric stove turned on it would shut off a single circuit breaker. When we did a diagnosis we found that the previous owner had connected some wiring from the electrical stove receptacle to the dryer. According to the NEC code electric stoves and electric dryers need their own dedicated circuits. After removing the electrical wiring, we installed a dedicated circuit for the electric dryer. We got the dryer up and running in a day and in no time they were doing their laundry safely. We offer a wide variety of electrical services and we offer 24 Hour emergency service. If you are experiencing a similar problem don’t hesitate to call us right away. Electrician Services is local, family owned and operated. All our expert electricians have been trained, have a license, and have been background checked. Safety is our primary concern and customer service is our top priority. We are the Electrician Garden Grove Ca and provide electrical service you can trust.
More On Electric Dryers
There are two types of dryers that homeowners purchase for their home. One type is the gas dryer, the gas dryer utilizes both gas and electricity to operate. Typically the gas dryer uses 120 volts of electricity to operate. Now for the electric dryer its a whole different scenario. Typically an electric dryer uses 220 volts of electricity to operate and utilizes a lot more current compared to a gas dryer. Many people who move into a new place sometimes forget to check what type of electrical hook up they need to operate the dryer they have. Sometimes they also mistakenly purchase a new set of washer and dryers and neglect what it will take to hook these newly purchased appliances. Some homeowners after finding out they purchased the wrong appliance even try to rewire the existing wiring to fit their needs of the new appliance. This is when it can become dangerous trying to rewire a 120 volt receptacle to a 220 volt receptacle can lead to many issues. There might not be enough wiring or wires to fit the need of the new dryer. So many homeowners try to utilize the grounding wire to become a current carrying conductor or wire. Always remember not using the grounding wire for grounding can lead to electrical shock. Another danger when trying to rewire a 120 volt receptacle to a 220 volt receptacle, is not taking into consideration the size of the existing wiring. 220 volt dryers typically use a lot more current, this means that the size of the wiring for the 120 volt receptacle is not rated for the size wiring needed to operate the new 220 volt dryer. Also remember that a 120 volt receptacle is completely different than a 220 volt receptacle. When moving into a new place take a look at what type of electrical is needed to operate a dryer before purchasing a new one.
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