Tustin Electrician Air Conditioning Heating
Tustin California do you need electrical, air conditioning and heating service? Electrician Air Conditioning Services stays true to our dedication in delivering top-notch results with Flat-Rate Pricing. Our trip charges are $99 for residential and $198 for commercial. A licensed and insured service company based in Orange County California that specializes in everything electrical, from lighting, to electrical panel upgrades, water heaters and air conditioning. Our team is composed of certified technicians.
Electrical Repair In Tustin Ca
A customer contacted us from Tustin Ca, They had a complaint that one of their receptacles were very hot to the touch, While pulling out the receptacle we found the problem right away, The problem they were having was a poor connection on the receptacle itself and to make matters worse they had aluminum wiring. The existing receptacle heated up so bad that the entire backside fell off while pulling it out and amazingly enough the wiring was still in good shape. We took the proper precautions while installing a new receptacle and applying the correct connections for aluminum wiring and the issue was resolved right away. Aluminum wiring is not something to take lightly, it is extremely important that the wiring within home was inspected and that any other devices within the house were checked. We found more receptacles that were burnt up and that needed to be replaced. If you have aluminum wiring don’t hesitate to call right away. Electrician Services is local, family owned and operated. All our expert electricians are trained, licensed and background checked. Safety is our primary concern and customer service is our top priority. We are the Electrician Tustin Ca and provide electrical service you can trust.
More On Aluminum Wiring
Aluminum wiring was used in the early 1960’s and 1970’s because the sudden escalating price of copper. After years of use people started to discover the weakness of this metal for a conductor of electricity. Even if it is properly maintained, aluminum has shown to expand and contract faster than copper and can work itself loose from its connection. When receptacles and switches are neglected this can become dangerous because poor connections cause wiring to overheat, which will cause a electrical hazard. There have been cases in the 1970’s about homes that have burnt down because of faulty connections from aluminum wiring. here are some faulty examples of aluminum wiring. Aluminum has a higher electrical resistance then copper this is why aluminum needs to be a wire size bigger than the normal size conductor, aluminum corrodes faster than other metals when exposed to moisture, aluminum also oxidizes faster than copper, and it expands and contracts faster than copper. If you discover to have Aluminum wiring within your home contact a licensed electrician to valuate your electrical system and give the best options available for your home. There are temporary fixes that can be done to correct small issues. And an inspection on the wiring should be done at least once a year. Rewiring is always the best option but a house rewire is extremely expensive and usually it is not practical. But a rewire is the permanent solution to fix an aluminum wiring issue.
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