Westminster Electrician Air Conditioning Heating
Westminster California do you need electrical, air conditioning and heating service? Electrician Air Conditioning Services stays true to our dedication in delivering top-notch results with Flat-Rate Pricing. Our trip charges are $99 for residential and $198 for commercial. A licensed and insured service company based in Orange County California that specializes in everything electrical, from lighting, to electrical panel upgrades, water heaters and air conditioning. Our team is composed of certified technicians.
Electrical Repair In Westminster Ca
A customer in Westminster Ca called in and told us that they were having power issues with in their home. When we arrived we went straight to the electrical panel to see if we can find any issues that might be happening in their panel. While doing some investigating we found that their circuit breakers were as old as the house and the panel needed to be cleaned up. After removing the existing circuit breakers and cleaning the electrical panel we installed new breakers and did some rewiring. After a little hard work their panel looked as good as new and they have not experienced any issues afterward. Are you experiencing the same problem? We offer 24 Hour service we also offer a wide variety of electrical services check our website to see what we offer. Electrician Services is local, family owned and operated. All our expert electricians are trained, licensed and background checked. Safety is our primary concern and customer service is our top priority. We are the Electrician Westminster Ca and provide electrical service you can trust.
More On Circuit Breaker Replacement
Many people ask when they should replace their circuit breakers in their service panels. To answer this question you need to understand what a circuit breaker is, what it’s for and how it operates. A circuit breaker is like a switch but it’s more than a regular switch it is a safety switch. There is a number on every breaker in your electrical panel. These numbers tell us how much current or amperage is allowed through that specific breaker. Once the current exceeds that number, the circuit breaker shuts off so that no more current will flow through that circuit. A circuit breaker will also shut off when there is a direct short within the electrical circuit. There are also specialty circuit breakers that can detect a ground fault or even a arc fault. These type of breakers are more costly than a normal circuit breakers but are well worth having in your electrical service. Some breakers are made for 120 volt circuits and some are made for 220 volt circuits. Now to answer the question, when do you replace a circuit breaker? Circuit breakers can last a long time depending on the wear and tear they have gone through. Non qualified DIY’s have a tendency to abuse a circuit breakers use by not understanding the NEC code or UL applications. Qualified electricians see this all the time in the field. If breakers are installed correctly they should last a long time. Breakers have electricity flowing through them 24/7, so they can and will wear out over time. They will overheat and burn out or end up malfunctioning. When a circuit breaker malfunctions it will not shut off when it’s supposed to and this can put you at risk. It is wise to have a qualified electrician to valuate your electrical panel so that he can give you recommendations on what is exactly needed.
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